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How to have a difficult conversation with your spouse about finances

Talking about money with your spouse can be difficult. Not everyone enjoys talking about finances and it can seem easier to just ignore the subject. However, avoiding difficult conversations and money discussions can lead to many problems down the road.

If the idea of discussing money with your significant other stresses you out, you’re not alone. According to a survey by SunTrust Bank, 35 percent of people said money was the primary cause of friction and stress in their relationship. For respondents between 44 and 54 years of age, that number shot up to 44 percent.

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Compound Interest Can Be Your Ticket To Financial Freedom: Here’s How

Between student loan debt and the high cost of living, it can seem difficult to get ahead in this world. However, there’s an important concept that, when managed well, can accelerate the growth of your savings and increase your wealth like you couldn’t imagine. And, you’ve probably heard of it before; compound interest.

Hey, if Albert Einstein is calling compound interest the eighth wonder of the world, then you better take note!

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Financial Planning 101 - Do You Need a Financial Advisor?

For many of us in life, regardless of what it might be, we typically try to figure how to do things by ourselves. It could be fixing the car, something around the house, or as we’ll be covering here, managing your own investments and finances.

At some point in our life, though, lack of time and knowledge becomes an issue. Most of us can figure out the basics of investing and financial planning, but eventually, you simply don’t know what you don’t know if it’s not your profession.

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6 Inexpensive Ways for Men to Look Great for Work

What is it that they say? That the clothes make the man?

Well, while I don't believe that clothes have any bearing on your competence as a professional, I think we can all agree that appearances do matter. As a general rule, people will treat the well-dressed and well-groomed better, and looking your best can provide a big confidence boost. So, it's important to have an elegant, polished look at work, to make the most of your time at the office and maximize your chances of success.

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Paying Off High-Interest Debt – Is It A Good Investment?

As an investor, you’re always on the lookout for the best possible returns with the least amount of risk. It just makes sense. But many experts say that paying off high-interest debt is one of your best investments - and I completely agree.

For example, suppose you are getting an average annual return of 8% from your investment portfolio. On the other hand, you are paying 19% annual interest on your credit card. In other words, you are spending roughly 11% more out of your pocket each year to service the interest on your credit card. Regardless of how you look it, you’re not getting ahead.

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What Should I Do If My Investments Are Losing Money?

When the stock market takes a sudden turn downward, it can be easy to get worried about your investments. Market turmoil can cause even seasoned investors to take pause. Watching the value of your investments go down can certainly be disheartening.

In fact, a 2018 study found that Americans are more stressed by money issues than by personal relationships or work. Stock market volatility is nothing new so finding the best way to cope with the swings will help give you peace of mind. Getting your finances in order will help you weather the inevitable ups and downs of your investment portfolio.

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How not to go into debt for the holidays

According to the American Research Group Inc., the average American intends to spend $992 this holiday season. For some, this could end up breaking the bank if they’re not careful. With all of the pressure to spend during the holidays, it’s easy to go into debt. If you want to avoid debt this season, here are a few tips to survive the holidays debt-free.

Make a budget

Review your monthly budget and determine what you can truly afford this season. Don’t stretch yourself too thin and allow some wiggle room for unexpected expenses.

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How can I possibly save enough for my child’s college education?

While it’s true that saving for college is easier the earlier you start, all hope is not lost if you waited a few years to get started. Despite the rising cost of a four-year degree, it’s still an important asset for climbing the career ladder in most professional settings.

Paying for college is a financial goal for many parents but with an 18-year savings timeframe, it can easily fall by the wayside. Many people get so wrapped up in the day-to-day realities of getting the bills paid that they don’t get serious about college savings until their children’s preteen or teen years.

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Top Ten Ways To Avoid Bad Investments

This post was last updated on January 15, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

When it comes to making investment decisions, sometimes our emotions take over for common sense. While we usually rely on our knowledge and experience to point us in the right direction, investing doesn’t always work that way.

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How To Overcome Your Fear Of Personal Finances

Have you ever been afraid to log into your bank account or check your credit card balances? If you’re losing sleep over your personal finances, you’re not alone. According to a Bankrate survey, 36 percent of Americans are losing sleep over money troubles.

While money anxiety can be more common than we realize, it’s important to address it sooner rather than later. Ignoring your finances will hurt you in the long run, even if it feels better to bury your head in the sand right now. Money troubles never go away unless you take charge of your situation and address them head-on.

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About the Author

Aurtho Clint Haynes, CFPThis article was written by Clint Haynes, CFP®. Clint is a Certified Financial Planner® and Founder of NextGen Wealth. You can learn more about Clint by reading his full bio here.

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