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Safeguard Your Retirement: Tackling Longevity Risk

Running out of money is a real worry for retirees. However, you can reduce or eliminate worries around longevity risk in retirement. With careful planning, it might be easier than you think.

Regardless, we recommend planning for your retirement early and often. The longer you wait, the less options you have. So, what can you do to protect yourself from longevity risk?

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Will My Pension Reduce My Social Security Benefits?


Your Social Security benefits could be reduced if you also have a pension. Don’t be caught off guard by all the unique rules surrounding pensions and Social Security. Knowing the facts about Social Security taxation, the Windfall Elimination Provision, and the Government Pension Offset is essential.

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Avoiding Pension Ankle-Biters

There are lots of small, yet important things to creep up on you as you approach retirement. However, these “ankle biters” can turn into a big collective problem if you don’t pay attention. Don’t let the tiny details derail your retirement plans!

We’ll discuss some of the finer details that often get missed or confused. You’ll feel so much better knowing you’ve covered all your bases.

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Navigating Pensioner Healthcare Options in Retirement - HRA, COBRA, or Marketplace

Healthcare is not getting cheaper. Are you prepared to cover your healthcare expenses throughout your retirement?

Healthcare is cited as the number one cost retirees face. Even if you have a pension, it can be tricky to ensure all your needs are covered. You’ll want to consider all your options, including Medicare, health insurance offered with your pension, Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA), Health Savings Accounts (HSA), COBRA, and the Marketplace.

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Is a Survivor Benefit on My Pension Worth It?

Thinking through your pension decisions and transitioning into retirement is hard enough. Adding in planning for your premature death is even more stressful. However, there’s no replacement for peace of mind knowing your family is covered no matter what.

Adding a survivor benefit to your pension isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. There are often many variations and levels of coverage to consider too. Make sure you take your time to think through this decision by looking at your whole financial picture.

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Should I Roll My Pension Lump Sum into My 401(k) or IRA?

Taking a pension lump sum takes careful consideration. If you decide to take a lump sum, you’ll have to decide whether you transfer your lump sum pension payout into your 401k or your IRA. The decision to take a lump sum can’t be reversed, so take it seriously.

Many different factors come into play when we’re sorting through this decision. Pension payout calculations, tax considerations, and personal goals all matter. Also, your investment style and habits around money are very important as well.

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Planning Your Pension in Concert with Social Security

Coordinating your pension and Social Security benefits are some of the most important decisions you’ll make as you retire. It’s very important you don’t plan either one without looking at your whole financial picture. In other words, we want you to think about your overall retirement income – not just your pension or Social Security.

Your pension income, retirement accounts (401k, 403b, TSP, IRA, etc.), Social Security, and other income (rental property, inheritance, etc.) all factor into how much you need in retirement. Each one of them comes with their own risks and benefits to consider in relation to your other retirement income sources.

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How to Maximize Your Pension Final Average Earnings (FAE) Calculation

For many retirees with a pension, maximizing your payout options is vital. Many pension plans use what’s called a Final Average Earnings (FAE) calculation. There are several factors that might affect your retirement pay.

You might not be able to control all the variables in your FAE calculation, but certain things, like deciding when to retire, are generally within your control. You don’t want to make the mistake of retiring too early and missing a benefit or working longer with minimal or no benefit to you.

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Building Multiple Streams of Retirement Income

Savvy retirees know the importance of having multiple streams of income in retirement. Multiple income sources help ensure financial stability and peace of mind. We know the importance of having a diversified portfolio, but diverse income streams are even better!

You don’t want all your nest egg(s) in one basket. It’s best to analyze all potential income sources first thoroughly. Then, you can craft a comprehensive financial plan to meet all your retirement needs.

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What’s a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)?

Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) are employer-funded plans that allow employees to pay for qualified medical expenses with tax-free money. HRAs can be used to reimburse employees for a wide range of expenses, including individual health insurance premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.

If your employer offers an HRA, you should certainly check it out. It’s a great benefit to help reduce your overall healthcare costs! There are several types of HRAs, so be sure to check your plan documents carefully.

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Tips on Avoiding Scams from AARP

Fraud and online scams are a growing threat to all Americans. However, you can take steps to make yourself less likely to become a victim of scammers. In 2023, the Federal Trade Commission received reports of over $10 Billion in total fraud losses!

Brandon Lovingier was privileged to interview Kathy Stokes, the Director of Fraud Prevention Programs with AARP, at FinCon 2023. Her insights on fraud prevention are used throughout this article, along with some of our own advice and helpful tips. We hope to inform you of best practices to protect you and your loved ones from becoming victims of fraud, theft, and scams.

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Important Deadlines as You Retire

As you draw closer to retirement, it’s essential for you to get things filed on time. In many cases, you’ll only have one opportunity to get things right. Other decisions may lock you in for a long time.

No matter what, each decision and deadline as you approach your retirement date is critical. This is why NextGen Wealth specializes in the transition phase of retirement and beyond. If you take the time to lay the foundation of your retirement on solid ground, everything else goes much more smoothly.

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How to Retire with Confidence and Peace of Mind

This post was last updated on January 28, 2024, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

You may have spent your whole life working towards retirement. However, as you get closer to retirement, there are so many feelings and doubts that can creep in and cause you stress. There’s no need to worry – as long as you have a plan.

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The Top 7 Things You Should Plan for in Retirement

This post was last updated on January 18, 2024, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Proper planning is crucial to ensure a smooth transition into a fulfilling retirement lifestyle. However, it can be really intimidating when you first get started. You aren’t the first person to retire, so you can draw on the experience of others who’ve walked this path.

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Should I Keep My Employer Life and Health Insurance Policies When I Retire?

You’ll encounter many important decisions as you transition into retirement. Almost none are as important as your access to quality healthcare. Your life insurance needs will probably change too.

If you’re trying to retire early, or at least before you’re eligible for Medicare, you’ll have to weigh your healthcare options carefully. You’ll want to make the best decision for you to preserve your health, wealth, and legacy.

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