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The Retirement COLLAB Blog

How to Make a Budget Bearable

The budget. To many, it is simply known as the “b” word. The budget has turned into this scary thing that few people dare to discuss.

I’m not sure if it’s just overwhelming to think about tracking or if people fear seeing where they’re spending their money. Regardless of the reason, the budget is the foundation to anyone’s personal financial situation.

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How 15 Minutes Could Get You 15 Times the Return

No, this isn’t some kind of get rich scheme that I’m pitching but rather something everyone who has a savings account should really consider. According to, as of April 2016, the average savings account interest rate was only .06%. That’s right, only .06%!

Believe it or not, though, I have seen many clients who branch at their local (insert giant bank name here) earning a measly .01%. That means if you had $50,000 sitting in a savings account there, your annual interest would add up to a whopping $5!

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One of the Biggest Pitfalls to Maxing Out Your 401k Early in the Year

First of all, congratulations that you are able to max out your 401k. Whether it’s $18,000 if you are under 50 years old or $24,000 if you’re over 50, that is a lot of money to sock away on an annual basis.

Now that we have established you're contributing the max, the next question I ask is do you receive matching contributions from your employer? If the answer is yes, another congratulations are in order because not all employers provide a company match.

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